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Is Your Business Still For Sale? A business owner sells their company for very few reasons. . .... More...
Senior Golfers Dental Care Many senior golfers struggle with their teeth and gums as they enter their “golden years. ” there are several dental problems common to seniors. . .... More...
Surprising Things Happen On A Golf Course It happens every year that something surprising happens, without fail. Read about some now. . More...
Frustrated Leading Your Golf Groups? Leadership of groups, leagues, men’s and women’s clubs can be time consuming, stressful, and very frustrating. It is a thankless undertaking. . .... More...
Are Your Shaft’S Lengths Correct? Are you aware that the wrong shaft length can cause a loss of distance and accuracy? . More...
Ridiculous Golf Rule At times, the rules of golf can seem ridiculous. Is rule 5. 3a one of the worst? . More...