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Best Wine Club And Why

Here is why you would want to join our wine club. In the recent past, the conglomerates have bought up, and are continuing to buy boutique wineries and are now mass-producing wine. So? Because a truly fine wine takes up to 3 years to properly age, this is what we do. However, the conglomerates age their wine for a mere 6 months, then add chemicals to give it that aged taste. So what do they add? Bark, arsenic, nitrates, and other things you don't even want to know about. The FDA only requires that nitrates are put on the label. Of course, all wine has nitrates, that is the natural preservative in wine. But not, chemical nitrates. Your body has no problem digesting natural nitrates, but not chemical nitrates. Believe me, there is a difference. This is why a lot of people get headaches after only a couple of glasses. Won't happen with our wine, see the rest of the story.

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Number of Details Views: 146
Date Posted: 11/22/2024 8:13:28 AM
Posted in Category: Miscellaneous
Posted in: District of Columbia
Ad ID: 8536075